First of all I made the invitations, I usually do this since I like something unique and I am all about DIY. For this particular invitation I used my cricut and I cut some cards, I used a rectangular one and it had the open flap already done. I wanted to do a suitcase so I cut little "handles" and I pasted them onto one side of the "suitcase". On one side of the invitation I made a frame out of travel themed paper and I added a photo of the kids on the other side the flap "suitcase" opened and you found the info. I grabbed a travel image and used it as background and printed my info there. So the invitation had a few layers, I also decided to do board passes, I used the same papers and I printed the name of each child on them so they had to bring them to the party in order to board the plane for the adventure. Here are the pics.
Here are the boarding passes .
We stopped in a few countries. We had China, France, Italy, Australia and Mexico. I enlisted the help of my teen daughter and her friends, my mom and the kids' dad. At each country we had to collect a trinket and they got their passports stamped. I used the stickers that came with the passports as stamps and for the countries I didn't have stickersfor, I bought a stamp online.
After our trip we were so hungry!!! We even brought the italian chef with us and she made us pizza!
After we collected all the trinkets, we traded them for the big prize, which was a world decorated pinata, I just got a smiley face pinata at Zurchers and then I decorated it myself. We had a blast!
The costumes I had before hand , and I tried to use the countries I had stuff for, or were easy to shop for.I also had the girls read some fun facts about each country so we learned a bit while we "traveled".
So that's all folks!! I hope you enjoyed and if you have any questions shoot me a message on my facebook page.
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